Well... it works

Big thanks
RichI now have below command in my cron file:
1 1 1 * * Entries=100 ; tail -c $(($Entries*384)) /var/log/wtmp > /var/log/NewWtmp && sudo cp /var/log/NewWtmp /var/log/wtmp; rm -rf /var/log/NewWtmp
In addition to your advice I added the full path for NewWtmp to avoid that it got written at some random place.
Tested with * * * * * setting (every minute) and works like a charm. Thanks.
With 100 entries it grows to about 35k which is fine.
I also tried to setup syslog.conf with your other "1 command" proposal:
$outchannel main_log, /var/log/mainlog.txt, 50000, /bin/echo "$(/usr/bin/tail -n 50 /var/log/mainlog.txt)" > /var/log/mainlog.txt
local1.=debug :omfile:$main_log;MyFormat
But that does not work.
I tried to simplify it all the way to
$outchannel main_log, /var/log/mainlog.txt, 50000, /bin/cp /var/log/mainlog.txt /var/log/testlog.txt
But even that does not work.
it looks like syslog does only accept 1 argument to the copy command.
I stopped debugging this.
I currently have rsylog perfectly working like this:
$outchannel main_log, /var/log/mainlog.txt, 100000, /var/log/rotate mainlog.txt
local1.=debug :omfile:$main_log;MyFormat
with /var/log/rotate:
tail -n 500 /var/log/${1} > /var/log/${1}.tmp
cat /var/log/${1}.tmp > /var/log/${1}
rm -f /var/log/${1}.tmp
I do not really like that I now have a script in the /var/log folder that is user-specific because that is something I could "loose"
The beauty of your single line solution is that that would be entirely in the syslog.conf file with no "non standard file needed".
I will however just document the rotate script on some # commented lines in the syslog.conf file.
That way, if I revisit this in few years, I still understand how it works.