Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

links needs sudo in picore 15.0

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Hello ,

Links text browser needs sudo to work,this is the version from official repository uploaded in 2020 by Juanito.

 I am on picore 15.0 the first beta release:

--- Code: ---Linux box 6.6.28-piCore #4 Thu Apr 18 22:44:37 EDT 2024 armv6l GNU/Linux
--- End code ---

without sudo I get this:

--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ [warn] Epoll ADD(1) on fd 0 failed. Old events were 0; read change was 1 (add); write change was 0 (none); close change was 0 (none): Operation not permitted

ERROR: event_add failed: Operation not permitted at select.c:415, handle 0
--- End code ---

Please check on the latest beta.

But it seems it needs access to a device that may not be tc:staff writable. What is happening when you see the error?

I have a fresh install of picore 15 public release, but in this repo the links binary is compiled against the old libssl

--- Code: ---links: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
--- End code ---

I'll get around to recompiling it at some point. but in the meantime you can load openssl-1.1.1

Did not get the permission error, after installing openssl-1.1 temporarily


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