Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum

unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(2.0)


Hello everyone, I encountered a strange problem.
Using the ezremaster, I made a kernel based on version 7.2, adding two packages with dependencies freerdp and Xorg-7.7 (extract to initrd).
Via tftp, the build works without problems on fresh thin clients like Dell Wyse and so on, but on old like HP T5000 with 128 MB of RAM, this error pops up.

I tried to make kernel smaler, leaving only Xorg there, the weight is 20 MB in the unpacked 45, the same error.
But from the flash drive, the image of tinnycore7.2, the system boots to the desktop with a similar size

--- Code: ---DEFAULT tc

KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz
INITRD /boot/core.gz
APPEND loglevel=3 waitusb=5
--- End code ---
What could be the problem? Thanks!

There are probably other errors above it, but it sounds like you ran out of RAM. A network boot keeps a copy in RAM for the extraction, which does not happen on local media like usb.

this may/may-not offer some additional considerations:



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