Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

ttyAMA0 missing in -dev

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I have a Raspberry Pi 5 running piCore. I would like to configure Bluetooth to connect to a Bluetooth loudspeaker.
The problem I have is that in all scripts I’ve seen ttyAMA0 is referred to but there is no ttyAMA0 in /dev only ttyAMA10 (and a lot other tty devices of course).
In the Raspberry documentation section Configure UARTS, part Primary and Secondary UART, the primary UART for Raspberry Pi 5 is UART10 and the secondary is “dedicated UART”.
I suppose that UART10 will show up as ttyAMA10 in /dev but what is “dedicated UART”?

Raspi has not referenced ttyAMA0 in their scripts in many years(Because not all pis use them for UART).   There should be /dev/serial1 links created.

I would suggest you look at the raspiOS scripts.   https://github.com/RPi-Distro/pi-bluetooth/tree/master/usr/bin

Thank you Paul_123.
I have tried the "btuart" script and as far as I can tell the result is "On-board bluetooth is already enabled"!
--- Code: ---$ sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus start
$ sudo /usr/local/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd -nd
--- End code ---
and then
--- Code: ---$ hciattach /dev/ttyAMA0 bcm43xx 921600 noflow
--- End code ---
"Can't open serial port: No such file or directory
Can't initialize device: No such file or directory" probably because /dev/ttyAMA0 do not exist!
What should be specfied instead of ttyAMA0?

Hciattach should run before bluetoohd and you may need to sudo that command.

Makes no difference, same outcome!
 I wonder what the secondary UART  “dedicated UART” for Raspberry Pi 5 is refering to?


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