I've got CorePlus installed on my hard drive, partition sda3.
I've tried to install Grub but unsuccessfully. According with your instruction:
$ sudo mount /dev/sdc1
In my case is sda3 but it's already mounted and it seems I can't umount it (device busy) even from the live CD.
$ sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/sdc1/boot /dev/sdc
So the installation got broken:
error: failed to get the canonical path of 'rootfs'
They say it's better to chroot to /mnt before installing Grub. Output:
chroot: can't execute '/bin/sh': no such file or directory
Same if I add '/bin/bash' and having the bash shell already installed.
I've been unable to create a working grub.cfg file manually. Adding your:
insmod ext2
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 3916536c-ab5b-45f4-92de-a6b8af8ec630
menuentry "core" {
linux /boot/vmlinuz quiet noswap waitusb=10:UUID="3916536c-ab5b-45f4-92de-a6b8af8ec630" tce=UUID="3916536c-ab5b-45f4-92de-a6b8af8ec630" tz=GMT-4 blacklist=bcma blacklist=ssb blacklist=b43 text
initrd /boot/rootfs.gz /boot/modules.gz
with the correct UUID for the sda3 partition I get the error:
unknown filesystem
you need to load the kernel first
What I've mistaken? Many thanks