dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86_64

Adding FoxClone

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Thank you @Rich for the reply
I have tried two ideas that I think have grasped from that thread - compatibly issue between versions - 

dCore-bionic64.iso + sudo deb2sce ....
All were unable to be converted with the error that this is not a standard Ubuntu , dCore or mettapacakge

 and -

Although I have no experience with creating or adding a deb package to a repo, this was my guess after following the README
Add the download link as an extra repo in /opt/debextra

--- Code: ---echo "https://foxclone.org/downloads/" > /opt/debextra/foxclone
--- End code ---
then try import

--- Code: ---sce-import foxclone

--- End code ---
This returns " The following repository is not availibe : https://foxclone.org/downloads/"

What would be the correct way to add this as an extra repo ? Am I on the right path ?

It was version issues after all.

dCore-bionic64.iso + https://foxclone.org/downloads/foxclone45_amd64.deb

is converted without error, newer versions fail

Good progress !

Tying to run the package results in dependency issues - I would expect that, but this is new waters for me - Is there a way to get a list of missing required dependencies to install ?

Hi jusjason

--- Quote from: jusjason on September 08, 2024, 06:54:03 AM ---Some more findings -
There seem to be 2 possible ways to using the deb2sce command

--- Code: ---sudo deb2sce foxclone52_amd64.deb
--- End code ---
or importing + loading + running

--- Code: ---sce-import -o sce-deb2sce
sce-load sce-deb2sce
sce-deb2sce foxclone52_amd64.deb
--- End code ---
using sudo deb2sce - the error returned is  foxclone is not a standard Ubuntu , dCore or mettapacakge - exiting
while using the other method results in invalid tar magic. ...
--- End quote ---
I think I found something.

I downloaded the foxclone52 deb and took a look inside.
In the past when I've done this I found .deb archives contained:
control.tar.gz  and data.tar.gz.

The foxclone52 archive contained:
control.tar.zst  and data.tar.zst.
It's  zstd  compression instead of gzip. The  tar  command
being used is probably the busybox version which can't
handle zstd. That's likely the source of the  invalid tar magic.

It's also possible that may be the source of the  not a standard
Ubuntu , dCore or mettapacakge  error.

I think you need to install  tar  and  zstd.

I had a look in the control file contained in the deb package and found a list of dependencies which I installed . I did not get a full start, as I am running only dCore ( no GUI) an foxclone is a GUI based tool, but  I think that I now have a working method for installing the package so I can move onto a full setup on USB.. This is still a bit of a clunky process , the dependency list is quite tedious. I appreciate even more the value of scripts like deb2sce now.

--- Code: ---Depends: policykit-1,mount,grep,parted,partclone,coreutils,util-linux,diffutils,psmisc,os-prober,pigz,qpdfview,hdparm,nvme-cli,util-linux

--- End code ---

Thanks @Rich for the tips and pointers

Hi jusjason
You are quite welcome. Keep us apprised on your progress.


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