Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs
problem with flit.tcz on tce15.0-32
hello TinyCoreTeam,
I'm using TinyCore in 3 different minimal configurations as a base for more elaborated installations:
32-bit for oldies, all of the tinycore desktops working (except my flit problem)
64-bit with all of the tinycore desktops, included icewm for standard laptops,
64-bit with all of the tinycore desktops, except icewm for DELL i-7470 graphics card.
The problem exists only on 32bit. A few seconds after booting the flit clock at bottom right disappears.
This happens after the last update in Aug 2024; the last known good update status was May 2024.
Below the script I'm running after tc-install:
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
# /mnt/sdb1/TCE/Scripte/tce15.0X32.sh
tce-load -iw Xvesa.tcz
tce-load -iw aterm.tcz
tce-load -iw wbar.tcz
tce-load -iw flwm_topside.tcz
tce-load -iw flwm.tcz
tce-load -iw alsa-config.tcz
tce-load -iw alsa.tcz
tce-load -iw alsa-plugins.tcz
tce-load -iw alsa-oss.tcz
tce-load -iw alsa-dev.tcz
tce-load -iw pavucontrol.tcz
tce-load -iw flit.tcz
tce-load -iw kmaps.tcz
tce-load -iw fluff.tcz
tce-load -iw mc.tcz
tce-load -iw gparted.tcz
tce-load -iw dosfstools.tcz
tce-load -iw e2fsprogs.tcz
tce-load -iw tc-install-GUI.tcz
tce-load -iw keepassx.tcz
tce-load -iw ace-of-penguins.tcz
tce-load -iw jwm.tcz
tce-load -iw icewm.tcz
tce-load -iw fluxbox.tcz
tce-load -iw hackedbox.tcz
tce-load -iw openbox.tcz
tce-load -iw obconf.tcz
--- End code ---
The standard configuration I do manually:
--- Code: ---!/bin/sh
# put other system startup commands here
alsactl restore
/usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus start
loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwertz/de-latin1-nodeadkeys.kmap
--- End code ---
this is the autostart script to start the main autostart script::
--- Code: ---/home/tc/.X.d/autostart
sh /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/autostart.sh
--- End code ---
and this is the beginning of the main autostart script:
--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
# /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/autostart.sh
#-----gestartet durch:------------------
# # /home/tc/.X.d/autostart
# sh /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/autostart.sh
# --------------------------------------
# /home/tc/.X.d/ ist das Autostart-Verzeichnis.
# Was da an Dateien drinsteht, wird nach jedem Booten ausgefuehrt.
# Graues Herunterfahr-Fenster
export BACKUP=1 ; exittc -g 180x130+30+610 -ti 'MIT BACKUP' -bg grey &
# Akku, Lautstärke, Uhrzeit
[ $(which flit) ] && flit &
# "Front-Left Front-Right"
sleep 1
speaker-test -c2 -t wav -l1
# Weißes Herunterfahr-Fenster
export BACKUP=0 ; exittc -g 160x130+5+560 -ti 'ohneBACKUP' -bg white &
# Link vom Benutzerverzeichnis /home/tc/ ins Stammverzeichnis 'von innen'
ln -s /etc/sysconfig/tcedir
rm -f /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/tcedir
--- End code ---
hi TinyCore Team,
My workaround, a bit ugly, I know:
replacing the latest version of flit.tcz from May 20 2024 with the previous one from Apr 20 2023
Hi chattrhand
Not a flit issue, but something I just noticed in your bootlocal.sh file.
Your loadkmap command belongs in bootsync.sh , not in bootlocal.sh.
You can see the reason for this here:
Hi TinyCoreTeam,
please don't laugh, the solution is so simple
there is a hidden file
where all properties of the flit window can be set, and also its position related to the screen corners: sw, se, nw, and ne for south and north, left and right on a geographical map.
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