Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

I want to install Boinc.

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Hi CentralWare

--- Quote from: CentralWare on August 09, 2024, 08:10:45 PM --- ... @Richard Cranium: Instead of typing all of the content in the Juanito pasted above, just download the source script onto your test machine ...
--- End quote ---
It's not really a script. It's more a mix of commands and notes. I got the
impression the OP was not very experienced compiling from scratch.
So I posted the instructions with comments removed and the missing
tar command inserted. I figured the OP might not recognize where
the comments are.

--- Quote --- ... MY thought...  run a find:binary on all files in /tmp/tcloop and -exec ldd {} > logfile
If things work as expected, LDD will flag Invalid Instruction(s) when attempting to run a dependency scan. ...
--- End quote ---
I wasn't aware ldd could do that. But I guess whether ldd encounters an
illegal instruction depends on where in the binary being examined it's located.


--- Quote from: Rich on August 09, 2024, 10:22:08 PM ---I wasn't aware ldd could do that. But I guess whether ldd encounters an
illegal instruction depends on where in the binary being examined it's located.

--- End quote ---

LDD doesn't really "do that" - it's more like an unintended convenience.
This is somewhat of what I had in mind:

--- Code: ---#!/bin/sh
. /etc/init.d/tc-functions
tce-load -i file

cd /tmp/tcloop
sudo grep -r -I -L . > /tmp/binaries.lst
sudo file -f /tmp/binaries.lst | grep ELF | awk -F: '{print $1}' > /tmp/binaries.elf

while read -r file
    res=$(sudo ldd "${file}" | grep -e "invalid " -e "error " -e "not found" )
    [ ! "${res}" == "" ] && echo -e "${YELLOW}${file}${NORMAL}\n${res}\n\n"
done < /tmp/binaries.elf

--- End code ---

Assuming BOINC was fully installed, it would scan through all of the binaries of everything installed at that moment (hopefully catching the herring if he's out there)
Again --- "in theory!" :)

Richard Cranium:

--- Quote from: Rich on August 09, 2024, 07:44:40 PM ---Hi Richard Cranium
Yes. This version is a bit more literal:

--- Code: ---tce-load -i compiletc automake intltool libtool-dev gettext-dev curl-dev Xorg-7.7-3d-dev freeglut-dev glu-dev wxwidgets31-dev

wget https://github.com/BOINC/boinc/archive/refs/tags/client_release/8.0/8.0.4.tar.gz

tar -xf 8.0.4.tar.gz

cd boinc-client_release-8.0-8.0.4


CC="gcc -flto -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe" CXX="g++ -flto -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-static --localstatedir=/var --disable-server

find . -name Makefile -type f -exec sed -i 's/-g -O2//g' {} \;

sudo make install
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---

I think I'm going to put my little project on hold for a while , I've tried to compile and it just runs (compiles) so slow and then the system seemingly locks up , maybe a future version of TC will get the job done and the required packages will be fixed up...

But I DO VERY MUCH want to thank everyone here that offered help and advice . THANK YOU.... I'm starting another thread on a different subject tomorrow....

as of this post, one month has transpired since the start of this thread and it has been viewed 2874 times.
(which probably just means that interested people have read and reread the thread multiple times, i know i have)

with respect to aged hardware, you aren't the only one who finds it hard to say goodbye/goodnight to yesteryear:


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