Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

Removing SDCARD results in segmentation fault

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Is there anyone out there who has any idea on what to do if I want to be able to run firefox (or chromium) without a SDCARD in the device, without the browser crashing?

So far I tried
First I start firefox, then I physically remove the SDCARD, then firefox crashes (only happens if SDCARD is removed and 100% reproducible). The error output reads "Segmentation fault".

I run "ps", then run "fuser -m /dev/mmcblk0p2" and see that firefox is using /mnt/mmcblk0p2. I try "umount -f /dev/mmcblk0p2" buy get a device busy error.

I then add firefox to copy2fs.lst and noswap to config, but firefox still crashes if I remove the SDCARD.

I then run "sudo umount -a" and now /dev/mmcblk0p2 gets unmounted. But firefox will crash after a while. This time it will take longer time (still measured in minutes) before it crashes, but it will crash eventually.

If I haven't started Firefox I can not start it after having un-mounted mmcblk0p2, but if I have started it, it seems to be still in RAM because I can restart it again after the crash, but will eventually crash never the less.

Hi segfault
Welcome to the forum.

See if replacing copy2fs.lst with an empty file called copy2fs.flg fixes it.

Thanks for the welcome and ur comment Rich!  ;D

I did "cd /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce && rm copy2fs.lst && touch copy2fs.lst && sudo reboot".
Now loading extensions takes considerably longer time and eventually I get error: cp: write error: No space left on device.

I'm doing this on a Raspberry Pi 2 B v 1.1, so maybe not such surprising result. I've got basically the default version of piCore and save for Vim I've not downloaded any other extensions then firefox.

Is there something else I could try?
Maybe I could specify the dependencies the browser is using and add those to the copy2fs.lst list file?
I'm not sure which these are, but I think it at least lists some extensions it needs to download in order to run (it could still be using some other extensions already pre-downloaded though).

Any ideas?

PS! First impression of tinycore is great :)... very cool to be able to mess around and learn the ins- and out and not having to worry about permanently damaging the OS... just reboot. Really nice!!!

EDIT: Just noticed that the Apps app has a tab for all the dependencies.
EDIT2: And in optional folder I found firefox.tcz.dep file... but only the whole tree is not listed. But using tce-ab I can navigate in the terminal and look at the dependency tree. I will copy these to copy2fs.lst and see what happens.

Hi segfault
You can't have it both ways. If you want to be able to remove the card, any
extension and its dependencies that get loaded must be copied to RAM.

--- Quote from: segfault on July 07, 2024, 01:09:25 PM --- ... Now loading extensions takes considerably longer time and ...
--- End quote ---
It takes longer to copy extensions to RAM than to simply loop mount them.

--- Quote --- ... Is there something else I could try?
Maybe I could specify the dependencies the browser is using and add those to the copy2fs.lst list file? ...
--- End quote ---
Eventually something will attempt to access some other extension you're
loading and you'll segfault again.
If you need to pull the SD card, and you are short on RAM, I suggest
removing any extensions you don't need from  onboot.lst  so they
don't get loaded.

 No space left on device.
Did you forget to expand the partision.
Or is it you memory size to small.



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