I have noticed that the ipv6-netfilter-6.1.25-piCore-v7.tcz extension for piCore 14 seems to be missing the ipv6.ko module, which would normally be located at:
I needed it for wireguard functionality, so after installing the wireguard extension and modules I created a janky extension that loads the wq-quick scripts and stat scripts needed for wireguard tools, AND ALSO the kernel module by itself into the /lib/modules directory where wireguard expects it. My extension works, I've been using it for several months now and I can connect to the interface and network thru wireguard works as expected. It's just after a few months of this janky setup I've been wondering if I'm doing something wrong and overlooking how i'm supposed to load wireguard.
Am I overlooking something, or is this a mistake in the extension for ipv6-netfilter? This seems like it's missing from this extension.