Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs

Pick fastest mirror hang

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When I choose pick fastest mirror in appsbrowser it can freezee forever, if one of mirrors don't responding.
There should be timeout mechanism in code of mirror picker. Does wget have timeout mechanism?

There is. Wget has one type of timeout by itself and another we patch in.


--- Quote from: curaga on June 21, 2024, 09:16:00 AM ---There is. Wget has one type of timeout by itself and another we patch in.

--- End quote ---

Google says that default wget timeout is 900 seconds.
Sometimes wget can freezee. Does mirrorpicker couldn't have its own timeout 120 second or SIGKIL?.

Our patch sets the timeout to 10 sec. If you can reproduce this issue, maybe you can find out why wget hangs for this specific url, and we can fix it in wget. "ps aux" would show which wget is still alive.

I've experienced this kind of "freeze" with wget, both on linux and windows.

My suspicion is that, momentarily, your connection to the server becomes absurdly slow, a few bytes/s? which theoretically shouldn't trigger the timeout.


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