Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

eeepc 701 and tinycore 2.2

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I think I've managed to get my atheros to work,  the iwconfig command show the wlan0. I had no luck using the wpa_supplicant though, my passphrase is something like "Hir Noue Frig Wasc"; and when I type sudo wpa_passphrase mynetwork mykey it says "passphrase must be 8..63 characters. I remind you that I'm really new to this, thank you for your help and patience.

Did you try passing it with double quotes like in your post?

no I had tried without the quotes.

The problem I find with linux is also what makes its strentgh, very customized os, but you need to grab pieces of info from all around the internet to be able to do what "seems" to be a simple task for experienced users:  mounting drives, finding and editing files, admin rights (with sudo) etc... This is why I asked if a guide existed for this specific netbook. If I manage to make it work, I'll try to regroup all the info under one post. Sorry if this was off topic, I'll try to keep focused. :)

Well, still no luck running my wifi. Could still need a little help.


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