Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

gio (part of glib2.tcz) shows gnutls-related warning

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--- Quote from: Rich on May 10, 2024, 10:37:02 PM ---Add  gnutls38.tcz  to the beginning of your onboot.lst file.

--- End quote ---
That's a nice idea, thank you. It solves the problem without adding complexity to the system or a burden to my memory.

--- Quote from: Rich on May 10, 2024, 10:37:02 PM ---See if any extensions that depend on  gnutls35.tcz  complain.

--- End quote ---
None so far.

--- Quote from: Rich on May 10, 2024, 10:37:02 PM ---I'm hoping maybe  gnutls38.tcz  is backward compatible.

--- End quote ---
It seems so. Which raises an obvious question: If it turns out that gnutls38 is completely backward compatible, why do we need both gnutls35 and gnutls38 in the repo? It would be simpler to:

1. rename gnutls38.tcz to gnutls.tcz, rename gnutls38-dev.tcz to gnutls-dev.tcz
2. remove gnutls35.tcz and gnutls35-dev.tcz from the repo
3. make sure all .dep files that contain gnutls35{,-dev}.tcz or gnutls38{,-dev}.tcz are edited to contain gnutls{,-dev}.tcz

gnutls38 is only semi-backwards compatible.with gnutls35.

Although both gnutls35 and gnutls38 contain libgnutls.so.30, gnutls35 contains libgnutlsxx.so.28 and gnutls38 contains libgnutlsxx.so.30. I'm not sure how many extensions have a dependency on libgnutlsxx, but there will be a problem if there are some that do.

I've been occupied with eliminating dependencies on openssl-1.1.1 and will now look again at eliminating dependencies on gnutls35 - the most pressing being libcups and libavformat.

Hi Juanito
Supposing gnutls38 were changed to something like this:

--- Code: ---libgnutlsxx.so -> libgnutlsxx.so.30.0.0
libgnutlsxx.so.30 -> libgnutlsxx.so.30.0.0
libgnutlsxx.so.28 -> libgnutlsxx.so.28.1.0
--- End code ---
That should force the newer version when compiling and
still allow older programs to find the gnutls35 version.

My feeling is that those changes would lead to confusion.

To force compiling against gnutls38, gnutls38-dev needs to be loaded before gnutls35-dev or, failing that, the rootfs symlinks to gnutls35-dev can be removed and replaced with those of gnutls38-dev.


--- Quote from: Juanito on May 11, 2024, 03:29:49 AM ---gnutls38 is only semi-backwards compatible.with gnutls35.

Although both gnutls35 and gnutls38 contain libgnutls.so.30, gnutls35 contains libgnutlsxx.so.28 and gnutls38 contains libgnutlsxx.so.30. I'm not sure how many extensions have a dependency on libgnutlsxx, but there will be a problem if there are some that do.

--- End quote ---
This is crystal clear. Thank you for the clarification.


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