clach04: It seems that fltk does not recognize the "Windows" key, at least not as compiled in TC, so no use for that.

I've been making good progress on flwm behind the scenes. I've implemented some Ctrl + Alt + (key) combos to move and resize the screen in various ways, hopefully intuitive:
Ctrl + Alt + (arrow) : Move window a bit (at least 4 pixels, or 1/20th of the "open" space)
Ctrl + Alt + '=/+': Make window larger by 32 pixels in each direction
Ctrl + Alt + '-': Make window smaller by 32 pixels in each direction
Ctrl + Alt + ',/<' : Make window narrower by 32 pixels
Ctrl + Alt + './>' : Make window wider by 32 pixels
Ctrl + Alt + PageUp or 't': Make window taller by 32 pixels
Ctrl + Alt + PageDn or 's': Make window shorter by 32 pixels
I've also implemented better support for colored window titles and title text color. (See attached image). This requires -fg (color) and -bg (color) options to be added to the .xsession file:
Xvesa -br -screen 1024x768x32 -shadow -mouse /dev/input/mice,5 -nolisten tcp -I 2>&1 > /dev/null &
"$DESKTOP" -fg white -bg darkblue 2>/tmp/wm_errors &
export WM_PID=$!
[ -n "$THEME" ] && cp /opt/jwmThemes/"$THEME" .jwmrc-theme
if [ -n "$BACKGROUND" ]; then
setbackground image /opt/backgrounds/"$BACKGROUND"
[ -x ./.setbackground ] && ./.setbackground
[ "$ICONS" == "wbar" ] && /usr/bin/
[ -x ./.mouse_config ] && ./.mouse_config &
[ "$DESKTOP" == "flwm" ] && flit &
Now I see a vast array of flwm themes coming.

Mike L.