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RFC 9564 - Faster Than Light Speed Protocol (FLIP)


RFC 9564 - Faster Than Light Speed Protocol (FLIP)

Dies Irae:
Some folk also prefer to look at a fake moon...

State of the art compression predicts the next byte, and only stores 'course corrections'. Using the exact same prediction model + corrections (which can be checked UPFRONT) we get our data back (however unpredictable choices it might contain).

How will this FLIP backtrack on data that is already processed, once the packet comes in that shows we made a wrong prediction?

Hi xor
Based on the description and the date it was published, I'm going
to go out on a limb and suggest this is an April fools hoax.

--- Quote ---FLIP provides a way to avoid congestion, enhance security, and deliver faster packets on the Internet by using AI to predict future packets at the receiving peer before they arrive. Apr 1, 2024
--- End quote ---
Found here:

I like this RFC as much as I do with this RFC 2549.

@Rich don't spoil the fun part. :)


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