Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Release Candidate 7 is now posted on our new distribution home, ibiblio.org
* Changed appbrowser to default to ibiblio
* Updated /opt/.xfiletool.lst - added opera/cache4, dropped home/tc.wbar
* Moved .wbar to point to /usr/local/tce.wbar to better support various modes of operation.
* Added colors via included function library in dhcp.sh also reduced output text
* Fixed typo in tc-terminal-server
Files that have changed that are likely in your backup:
.wbar is now a link
Everyone should grab the new RC to take advantage of the new default for appbrowser.
For those who cannot, you can change the default location to point to ibiblio.
From control panel, select "Select Mirror" and enter
Save by clicking OK
This will set appbrowser to the ibiblio repository.
suggestion: add a call to xsetup.sh (via aterm) in the menu. The script looks like it has xfbdev related stuff in it still... should it be removed because it is no longer in base, or left in (ie for those who use an extension, etc)
Also, it looks like it /tmp/ans is used/created but not removed after (a better temporary name may be better too)
It is already on the menu, Tools->Xvesa Setup
The others cosmetic but ok.
oops, my bad. I had the impression that it wasn't in there and then probably overlooked the obvious menu entry :p
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