If we do this, I didn't care whether or not wireless/drivers/etc. were even loaded (onboot) -- as long as they're inside the image, KeithA's issue is tended to as would those who own Zero/Zero-2 or any device at all if they're not able to wire into the router/hub/switch/etc. (It would be a simple task to add a short wiki instructing how to launch wireless on Pi-0/Pi-0-2/etc. as the resources would already be in their hands, it's then just a matter of turning everything on without having to download all of the necessary TCZs remotely and copy them onto the SD card manually... something some of these people haven't even done on their own desktop/laptop machines.)
* Kernel -- I know the git repo, but had hopes you knew which (commit) ID# 14x was built from (file dates don't correlate to a specific release and I avoid "assumption" when ever possible -- thus I'm guessing/assuming the AUG-11 commit as the file dates for TCL's kernels are only a week and a half older than that.)
The kernel source provides all board dtb files and overlays
-- thanks, this is probably what I need for the above question.
As for adding wireless to Pi images, my first suggestion was to simply create a stand-alone cpio and have it load along with modules.gz
My way of thinking (I've not personally had to build piCore completely from scratch so I may be off a bit here) was to create a single wireless.gz and theoretically (depending on what I found for arm6/7/7l compile flags) the drivers and apps for wifi "should" be a single file shared between the three different releases as the files in question "should" be the same regardless of which unit they're being used on, especially since they're compiled as kernel modules from the same kernel core. (To prove any of this I would have to build everything from the ground floor to "properly" test, thus my inquiries. I could easily cheat and just copy all the binaries (firmware) from piCore, extract and repack as needed for "wireless.gz", etc. -- just figured if I'm going to put the toes in the water, might as well jump in!?

From what you said in your notes, though, there's a chance the Pi-4 would possibly need a separate wireless.gz built IF the modules were affected by the -march difference. Maybe.
Regardless, Thanks again and take care!