Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 15.0 Alpha 1 Testing
When I do this:
--- Code: ---find /usr/local -regex '.*lto.*' -exec file {} \; | grep ELF | cut -d: -f1 | xargs ldd | grep found
--- End code ---
nothing is returned, so I'm assuming all dependencies are met. If I need look at something else let me know.
The symlink /usr/local/lib/bfd-plugins/liblto_plugin.so was broken in the 64-bit gcc, reposted.
The symlink in the 32-bit gcc is OK - did you see errors in both 32/64-bit?
btw: there's no particular need for you to recompile your extensions for 15.x
strange how I didn't see any errors in 64-bit compiling with -flto...
32-bit gcc is ok, but this is back: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,25871.0.html
I'm recompiling extensions to make sure my build environment will still work (which I've found two issues so far). Xtable-addons will have to be recompiled against the new kernel once the source becomes available as it contains kernel modules.
As far as I can tell, the 64-bit readline-dev is OK, 32-bit readline-dev reposted - thanks
Hi andyj
--- Quote from: andyj on January 05, 2024, 11:03:54 AM --- ... I left it so someone unfamiliar with Apache and PHP would have a go-by to build their own file. I apparently need to delete that file because it must be confusing to beginners. ...
--- End quote ---
Rather than deleting it, maybe rename it to something like:
httpd.conf.sample or httpd.conf.example or httpd.conf.reference
I think Xorg and some other packages include config files
with similar extensions tacked onto their config file names.
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