I was in a sleeping state some weeks ago and I was modifing my system to build a web server, I have made some modification and now they are persistent. How is it possible?
When I load mariadb-10.4.tcz it load the file in /usr/local/etc/init.d/ called mysql and in it there is written that the home directory for mysql data is /home/tc/mysql/data and this is the change that I've made while I was sleeping and if I change it (eg. /usr/local/mysql/data) when I reboot the computer it rool back to /home/tc/mysql/data. What have I changed?
P.S. I want to change it because the mariadb server doesn't start, if I launch it as root, it says that cannot start as root, if I start it with sudo -u tc ./mysqld it says permission denied on Bind on unix socket and it asks me if I have another mysqld server running on socket /var/run/mysql.sock Another error is Can't open and lock privilege tables.
Thank you in advance.