I'm not trying to nag anyone, but I notice that extension updates keep rolling in, but the ones I've submitted haven't been accepted. I submitted updated links-full.tcz around 2023/12/13 (as well as an extension for xzgv on x86_64). More recently I sent mosh.tcz and sylpheed.tcz rebuilt for OpenSSL 3.2 on 2023/12/22.
The attachments were bcrypted and I haven't seen a rejection message sent back to my email server from Google, as happened before.
Around when I submitted links-full.tcz, I also made an updated dillo.tcz extension for x86_64 and sent a PM to neonix on the 12th of Dec. asking whether I should submit it, or if he would like to build an updated extension using
the patch I made to add support for SNI over HTTPS. But I haven't received a response.