Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs

Could not fetch md5 database


I'm running Corepure64 on a wireless laptop. When I do a check for updates through the appbrowser, for the last few days I've been getting the "Could not fetch md5 database" message. I can access the web but sometimes responses take longer than it seems like they should. Wonder if something is flaking out in my TC setup, wifi, etc that's making the md5 fetch timeout, or if it's a problem on the TC side, or something else.

Hi thane
After making sure  md5.db  was not present in  /tmp , I
ran  Check for Updates  using the  apps  GUI and it ran
correctly. This was with  TC14 x86_64.

Thanks for the reply.

It looks like a mirror issue. For some reason I was connected to http://mirror.cedia.org.etc/tinycorelinux/14.x/x86_64/tcz which now appears to be dead. I manually changed tcemirror to http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/ and was able to get md5 and updates.


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