Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs
dillo-gemini.tcz.dep update for TC14 x86 and x86_64
When the "openssl" executable was recently removed from openssl-1.1.1.tcz, this broke the dillo-gemini extension which requires it.
Please can the openssl line in the dillo-gemini.tcz.dep file for TC14 x86 and x86_64 be changed from this:
--- Quote ---openssl-1.1.1.tcz
--- End quote ---
To this:
--- Quote ---openssl.tcz
--- End quote ---
Since the executable in dillo-gemini.tcz is a Bash script which calls the "openssl" command, the extension itself doesn't need to be rebuilt, and works fine with the new OpenSSL version.
Thank you.
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