General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial
Application segmentation fault after rebuilding kernel
@settimid: Good morning!
Just for sake of thoroughness, please go to the command line and enter
--- Code: ---date
--- End code ---
which should give you today's date, and
--- Code: ---time
--- End code ---
which should just give you the help instructions for the time() function from within busybox.
The above "tests" should take busybox itself out of the equation, leaving:
Red-Hat VDSO Seg-Fault
gettimeofday() and why does one cause seg...
Hi curaga
Then he would need the initrd from TC4 since it also contains
modules. Plus modify dependency files that call extensions by
kernel version number instead of KERNEL,
Was KERNEL introduced after that version? In that case it would indeed be more effort.
Hi curaga
I just checked tce-load for TC3 and TC4.
TC3 uses a sed command to handle KERNEL:
--- Code: ---KERNELVER=$(uname -r)
sed -i "s@KERNEL@$KERNELVER@" $1
--- End code ---
TC4 uses this:
--- End code ---
I brought it up because I think I've seen kernel version numbers
used in some .dep files.
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