So I'm attempting to get picore to boot from an external USB drive, I'm using a Pi model B so I have to use the "boot from SD FAT partition then use the 2nd partition which is now on the external drive" method.
I made the mmcblk0p2 partition 10Gb on the SD card and the used dd to duplicate it to the external drive. Then tune2fs to generate a new UUID (it copies the SD one) on the external partition.
I've read lots of different articles on using the external partition after boot and tried a few to no avail.
I'm guessing the cmdline.txt file needs to be edited to use the new UUID? I've tried specifying the tce folder with tce=UUID="XXXXX", the root with /dev/sda3 and the UUID. None of those worked.
I suppose the main question is: What is considered to be the best practice for achieving this?