Tiny Core Base > TCB Talk
Xvesa instead of tiny x
--- Quote from: ghead on December 18, 2008, 05:27:33 PM ---p.s.
I don't think the condescending "uhhh" is either warranted or called for. I make no pretense at expertise but I have successfully installed and used a significant number of Linux distributions starting with Red Hat 5.2.
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without knowing exactly why he said that either, i doubt he intended it to sound condescending. i'm sure it's easier to take it that way when you're asking a question and someone is already contradicting you, but that happens a lot with people that work on something all the time. they get used to things being exactly as they think they are (and often they're right.) i hope you will try the .tce extension and see if that helps. i'm really very curious about this myself.
Your question was confusing... at least to me (probably due to the fact that xvesa is a part of the tinyx suite). Please remember that this is a public forum, so interpreting messages 'lightly' in general would be helpful.
There is an included tool to configure xvesa called xsetup.sh. [EDIT: looks like its under Tools > Xvesa Setup]. By default though, it tries to use 32-bit depth, so there's probably some kind of incompatability between this version of xvesa, the config, and your system.
I apologize if there was any sound of condescence in my post. If there was any, it was not aimed at you, so please don't take it like that.
Please try to understand; it sometimes gets tiresome that people do not search / google at all. If a is a part of b, asking why b instead of a is kind of.. well, not thoughtful towards other forum members.
as i said, i don't think you were being condescending.
however, i can't agree this applies here:
--- Quote ---it sometimes gets tiresome that people do not search / google at all. If a is a part of b, asking why b instead of a is kind of.. well, not thoughtful towards other forum members.
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it takes certain knowledge as a foundation to know what to google for. obviously googling for xvesa / tinyx would do no good. googling for xvesa is part of: also useless.
the problem is there are two different versions. your retort (it's factual) is they are "mostly" the same. and yet there is another version as a tce- the one we recommended- that is probably what he needs. there's no way he could have guessed enough of the necessary information to google. it seems obvious to you because you're already more familiar. i only thought of it because i took it upon myself to look at every extension, and i've read every post on this forum. to google-is-your-friend i add, google-is-not-magical.
--- Quote ---it takes certain knowledge as a foundation to know what to google for. obviously googling for xvesa / tinyx would do no good. googling for xvesa is part of: also useless.
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Sometimes, yes, but googling just "xvesa" and clicking on the first result (XFree86 manpage) would have the explanation ("Name
Xvesa - VESA Bios Extensions tiny X server" .. "Besides the normal TinyX server's options (see TinyX(1) ), Xvesa...")
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