Lots of valuable information missing and others clearly wrong; It is impossible to give a clear and satisfactory answer in this way.
standard windows boot manager
no such boot loader exists
Indeed. Unfortunately I don't remember how it was displayed in BIOS mode (maybe nothing, just the name of the device/HD?) but, in UEFI mode, Windows creates a UEFI entry in the bios called Windows Boot Manager, so I suppose the topic author is confusing these things.
As well as this
atm my bios did get corrupted trying to install different distros.
Which to me doesn't make much sense since a distro installation, supposedly (to the common user) does absolutely nothing other than insert a new entry in UEFI and simply mess up the boots list.
This can be resolved with clear cmos, but if this is too difficult, it is very easy to manually delete these entries with uefibootmgr.
If he is actually using UEFI, this statement
However the laptop doesn't support FAT32
It is completely incorrect since FAT32 is, unfortunately, REQUIRED to use UEFI.