Tiny Core Base > Corepure64

Upgrade Corepure64 USB

<< < (2/2)


Un. Freaking. Believable.


Tinycore continues to blow my mind.

Some additional maintenance needed, but that was true before.

Final "WHAT??!!" Q:
Has Command line linux always had Boolean/DoLoop functionality built in? That final update walk-through/download was incredible. First for me!

Thanks for flattening The Learning Curve  8)

Hi TinyNoobE

--- Quote from: TinyNoobE on October 10, 2023, 01:30:23 PM --- ... Success! ...
--- End quote ---
Thank you for confirming it worked.

--- Quote --- ... Has Command line linux always had Boolean/DoLoop functionality built in? ...
--- End quote ---
As far as I know, yes. Pretty much anything you can put into
an  ash  script, you can do from the command line. At some
point it becomes too unwieldy for the command line and
you're better off putting it into a script.

--- Quote --- ... Thanks for flattening The Learning Curve  8)
--- End quote ---
You are welcome. Teach a man to fish and all that.


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