General TC > Tiny Core in Containers

Execute Containers as QEMU MicroVMs


just happened to be reading this

--- Quote ---Summary

This blog post compares the advantages and disadvantages of docker containers with VMs
 and describes why and how we execute docker images inside a QEMU MicroVM.
The described approach makes it possible to combine the security of VMs with the existing ecosystem of docker (e.g. images and tools).
Afterwards we take a look at ways how we can map features like bind mounts to solutions supported by QEMU
 and demonstrate this by running the NGINX docker image in QEMU.
--- End quote ---

 and wandered of any one hear has used any similar approaches ...
( all though i didnt go to the length of searching the forum for qemu options (yet))

@mocore: Nice article, thank you! I think that is something I searched for, some time ago, aside toybox / aboriginal-linux.


wrt core size minimiz-ing ect
`Local initramfs generation script` @,9028.0.html

--- Quote ---it can save quite some MB of space (e.g. tinycore.gz + extension modules about 10 MB, after creation mycore.gz about 6 MB).
--- End quote ---
seams relevant
i wander how much more might be removed when running under a (micro)`thinVM`


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