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Author Topic: inxi tce package feedback  (Read 1120 times)

Offline h2

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inxi tce package feedback
« on: July 30, 2023, 04:56:48 PM »
This seems like the right forum, if not, let me know.

Since I have now gotten onto tc forums, I figured I might as well ask if there is any feedback on the inxi package I maintain.

I've already added ca-certificates as a  dependency, which will be included in the upcoming 3.3.29 release, but is there anything else obvious and ideally tinycore specific that I may have missed that inxi should show but doesn't, or shows wrong, or incompletely?

I've been fairly steadily adding and improving tinycore features and support, which has also helped inxii's overall robustness, so in recent releases, nothing has really jumped out at, tce repos are supported, tce shell type detection is supported, xvesa is supported, and some special treatments for varous tiny shells type tools were already supported for things like routers and other devices maybe using busybox as well.

I figured I'd post to see if there is something glaring since I'm about to do a new release.

If no feedback, I'll assume things are rolling along fine, which is good, that's what I've been aiming for.

Offline h2

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Re: inxi tce package feedback
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2023, 03:26:48 PM »
inxi 3.3.29 is now out. This includes the new ca-certificates dependency, which some users correctly noted was missing and which can be helpful.

There were several bug fixes that corrected issues with all Linux, including Tiny Core.  And some new features.