Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

[Solved] Appbrowser permisson problems

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I did not use Tiny Core for a long time and have to renew my audio servers I use for exhibitions. SliTaz linux, which I used on the old ones is as good as dead.....

I have bought a couple of Dell Wyse 3040, which will replace the Fujitso Futro A 250. The Wyse 3040 is a real bastard booting linux. There is a guide, which I followed https://www.parkytowers.me.uk/thin/wyse/3040/linux.shtml

I used MX-Linux instead of Puppy - and it boots up fine - I can connect to the net ( I can ping google) - here my grub2 entry

--- Code: ---menuentry "Tiny Core 64-bit" {
  linux /tceboot/vmlinuz64 loglevel=3 tce=UUID="60ea2da8-76da-4594-9bf3-a3314bfbd0a8"/tce64 waitusb=10:UUID="60ea2da8-76da-4594-9bf3-a3314bfbd0a8" kmap=qwerty/uk vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3
  initrd /tceboot/corepure64.gz /tceboot/modules64.gz
--- End code ---

But I am stuck with the App Browser: I cannot choose the mirror, the App-Browser says no internet and it cannot write to the directory. So its clear, that it is a permisson problem

I chowned the whole /tce64 directory to tc:staff - checked all permissons in /home + /tmp

I put netsurf in /tce64/optional - its not available

I have no idea, what I did wrong?

Could be it didn't find the partition, or it's not a Linux filesystem, or many other things.

First check where the dir points to:

--- Code: ---ls -l /etc/sysconfig/tcedir
--- End code ---

tc@box:ls -l /etc/sysconfig/tcedir
lrwxrwrwx    1  root      root                         15 Aug  7  14:52   /etc/sysconfig/tcedir  ->  /mnt/sda1/tce64/

EDIT: all files in /mnt/sda1/tce64/optional    have

-r--rw-r--   1    tc      staff

and its definitly EXT4

Hi kultex

--- Quote from: kultex on August 07, 2023, 09:48:11 AM --- ... here my grub2 entry

--- Code: ---menuentry "Tiny Core 64-bit" {
  linux /tceboot/vmlinuz64 loglevel=3 tce=UUID="60ea2da8-76da-4594-9bf3-a3314bfbd0a8"/tce64 waitusb=10:UUID="60ea2da8-76da-4594-9bf3-a3314bfbd0a8" kmap=qwerty/uk vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3
  initrd /tceboot/corepure64.gz /tceboot/modules64.gz}
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
Whether it's causing a problem, I don't know, but your  initrd  line has an error.
corepure64.gz  already contains  modules64.gz, so there's no reason to include it.

--- Quote --- ... But I am stuck with the App Browser: I cannot choose the mirror, the App-Browser says no internet and it cannot write to the directory. So its clear, that it is a permisson problem ...
--- End quote ---
Is it? I called up  App Browser  with internet disconnected and got this pop-up:

I think you need to get your internet connection working first.
Is your network connection wired? Wireless? Do you need drivers?

Post the results of this command:

--- Code: ---dmesg | grep -E "eth|net|\.bin|firm"
--- End code ---
The vertical lines in the command are  pipe  symbols. They can be found on the  \  key.

Hi Rich,

I think, I checked the internet connection with ping and got no package loss - so I thought, it works. The 3040 has wired connection with eth0 - I will check your command as soon as I am home

I booted first without modules64.gz - it was the same.....


I checked /usr/bin and there the permission for most apps are        lrwxrwxrwx   -   means CHMOD 777         

only some files like backup have                             -rwxr-xr-x   -   means CHMOD 755

I think, the problem comes from paste the files to the usb drive usind Mx-Linux. I searched in the wiki docu about the permissions, but did not find anything


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