TCL is stable, fast, small, understandable, easily extendable, runs on old machines, runs on new machines.
I've made my point clear, now maybe it's time to make yours clear. You don't make clear what you are arguing against. I just suggested a modernization, but nothing specific. I initially suggested NIM, but soon abandoned this idea in favor of lua, which I also abandoned because I thought it was outdated.
As for lua, it is available in all TinyCore repositories, the package and its dependencies in total barely reach 1MB. What do you necessarily mean? That if TCL migrated to LUA, it would be done wrong and break the system?
That those 500KB would be too much to support? I need you to enlighten me so that I can also enlighten you. My point about the migration is a syntax that facilitates the contribution of other users.
Bash scripts do work but they are also extremely delicate, maybe that's why everyone is afraid to make any changes. While it's working, it's very easy to break a bash script with one or two changes.
The tce-update for example, I was trying to find a piece of code to ignore non-existent extensions from the repository, so that the update wouldn't be interrupted by things like "mylocale.tcz", but I got so lost that I gave up.
I completely don't understand what is modern syntax???
Perhaps this is subjective. By "modern" in this context of scripts and small programs, I necessarily mean you typing less to achieve the same without sacrificing code readability for future and third party maintenance.
It is clearly impossible to achieve all these points at once, but some manage to achieve this balance. Perhaps there are more, but of the ones I've tested, the ones that achieve this are: Python, Nim, and Node. Today I checked that Lua was on this list until recently, he clearly left recently.