Luckily the world of Linux audio is a whole lot better than
the train wreck it use to be. I have not used pipewire, nor
have I needed to doing any ALSA hand configs in many years.
The modern sound servers provide a stable solution for most
situations, but they still can't compete with the robustness of
modern ALSA tools. Which is why its still the only real option
for Linux sound engineers, and as you have found, is still required
as a low level interface regardless.
There are a ton of tedious how to's out there, many of which are rather
dated, but sometimes getting your hands on a working example makes all
the difference.
If you feel like playing around with a live cd, I believe AVLinux will be an
ideal working example of a running full blown feature rich modern ALSA
environment. It is truly geared for professional audio engineers with low
latency kernel right out of the box .. many many years ago they used
Arch .. then the switched to Debian ... as of late they are using MXLinux.. this helps .. Cheers