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Author Topic: inxi.tcz : suggestion to add a depend  (Read 3850 times)

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Re: inxi.tcz : suggestion to add a depend
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2023, 04:22:00 PM »
Just going through some older inxi related posts.

inxi does not need wget for anything, it defaults to a Perl module for downloading stuff.

You can see which tool was used to download something by adding --dbg 1 to the command.

You can see what inxi found using: inxi --recommmends

inxi prefers Perl's HTTP::Tiny module for downloading unless IO::Socket::SSL is not installed, which it isn't in default TC Perl install, so then it falls back to wget, the version in TC.

I've seen no issues in TinyCore using its native wget, it all seems to work fine once ca-certificates are installed, which pulls in openssl too. I've added ca-certificates as a dependency based on a request here in the package, that will be out when 3.3.29 is released, which will not be soon unless some real bug appears.

inxi is designed to always work with the bare minimum of dependencies, and does, unless the distro broke perl itself, which TinyCore diidn't do, so that's not an issue.

Note that I had neglected to add ca-certificates because I didn't notice it, because i had to add that before grabbing and testing the inxi package builder script, and testing pinxi to verify everything is fine before making the package, so I just didn't notice that lack.