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piCore14.0 Beta

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Hi Paul_123
Thanks to you lxterminal now launches with only atk-bridge warnings. To see what it would take to eliminate these after searching the net I added

--- Quote ---/usr/local/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi-bus-launcher &
/usr/local/lib/at-spi2-core/at-spi2-registryd &
--- End quote ---
to /opt/bootlocal.sh

added at-spi2-core.tcz to my onboot.lst but it borks as it claims libXtst  missing

2) I am not going to modify my dep list for lxterminal as those atk-bridge warnings do not stop lxterminal from launching and being useful as a terminal. Just FYI
also  both readelf and ldd do not give any hits for libXtst as a dep of at-spi2-core

correction, in last post I was referring to a rebuilt lxterminal. Just tested existing repo version of lxterminal and it is good as is.Yippee for me and no work for Paul_123

but sorry that re-testing repo edition of gtk2 and repo edition of pcmanfm still shows

--- Code: --- pcmanfm
pcmanfm: error while loading shared libraries: libpcre.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
--- End code ---

so that is still a submission or 2

title: I am trying to trick net-snmp into not looking for pcre.h but pcre2*

what I attempted was

--- Code: ---sed 's|pcre|pcre2|g' -i configure
--- End code ---

but I get

--- Code: ---root@box:/tmp/net-snmp-5.9.4.pre3# cat config.log | grep error | grep pcre
/usr/local/include/pcre2.h:971:2: error: #error PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH must be defined before including pcre2.h.
  971 | #error PCRE2_CODE_UNIT_WIDTH must be defined before including pcre2.h.
/usr/local/include/pcre2.h:972:2: error: #error Use 8, 16, or 32; or 0 for a multi-width application.
--- End code ---

any clues to fix....and there might more once I get past this block.

also I can configure to disable pcre in configure by
--- Quote -----without-pcre
--- End quote ---
I am tempted to do that as so far...without pcre2 effective configure status says
Embedded Perl support:      disabled
SNMP Perl modules:          disabled

thanks for reading

The pkg-config files in pcre-dev are named libpcre*.pc, whereas in pcre2-dev they are named libpcre2*.pc.

If you delete all of the *.la files in /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib, the configure script will probably pick up pcre2.


all my new 14.x builds now delete all *.la files and originally I was loading pcre2-dev without any sed command. error log reported pcre.h not found.

I think I will just continue make and see what happens. net-snmp-dev has a current dep of pcre-dev but net-snmp has no dep of pcre .
I just checked old build for 12.x it too has configure status of Embedded Perl support:      disabled & # SNMP Perl modules:          disabled

As no-one has complained recently.....lets move on.

2) the 12.x net-snmp claimed "it" was a make dep of sane* TCEs with sane info file in 14.x claiming you may need to use net-snmp but its not a dep of sane* in 14.x   so I don't think I will need to rebuild sane.

thanks for suggestion tho


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