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Author Topic: corebook Chapter 25 - A thin remote desktop client - still possible today  (Read 1245 times)

Offline ajmind

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Hello everybody,

I am playing arround from time to time with various piCore versions since several years, maninly to learn and understand the concept and if I could archive my goal:

- PXE network boot
- everything in RAM
- single fixed RDP session after boot (with freerdp?)
- no desktop

In the corebook it is mostly mentioned in chapter 25 and rdesktop is used, which is outdated.

Has anybody such an approach already archived. My trials with 13.1 are not successful as I have not managed to boot directly into a freerdp session, I always have a full desktop (flwm) and need to run freerdp from a terminal window.

Any hints or advice would be appreciated.

Offline Rich

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Hi ajmind
Welcome to the forum.

Create a file (any name you want) in  .X.d/  with your command, for example:
Code: [Select]
xfreerdp --ignore-certificate -z -g 1280x1024 -u Administrator2 -p xyzzy --plugin cliprdr --plugin rdpdr &Replace the shown options with your own. Be sure to include the & character
at the end of the line as shown.

The command will be executed whenever the GUI starts.

Offline ajmind

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Dear Rich,

thank you for your advise, I will test it as soon as I have some spare time.