Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

[Solved] can you remove the following TCEs from 14x please

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Hi Rich

post can be marked as solved thanks

Hi aus9


--- Quote from: aus9 on April 03, 2023, 12:39:32 AM ---Hi CNK

TC submissions do accept docs but the wiki says

--- Quote ---rather than including docs in your extension, use the info file to list official online docs.
--- End quote ---


until you get a better reply, it might assist the server load to not have docs?

--- End quote ---

Ahh, it says that directly under the line that says that you should make a -doc extension:

--- Quote ---Separation
Smaller extensions reduce 'bloat' in Tiny Core. To help out:
* move translations and other locale data into a locale extension (myprogram-locale.tcz)
* move documentation and help files into a doc extension (myprogram-doc.tcz)
* rather than including docs in your extension, use the info file to list official online docs.
* move headers and static libraries to a dev extension (myprogram-dev.tcz)

--- End quote ---

So I think it's pretty clear that the Wiki instructs you to leave out docs from the myprogram.tcz extension, but recommends that you do make a separate myprogram-doc.tcz extension, as well as linking to the docs in the info file (or maybe only do the latter if you didn't bother to make a separate -doc extension?).

I guess maybe you could read "rather than including docs in your extension" as a poorly written version of "rather than including a docs extension", and conclude that the third dot-point overrides the second, but I think that's assuming a lot. It's certainly not something that occoured to me while reading that page.


--- Quote from: mocore on April 03, 2023, 07:32:25 AM ---+matching
source(version) & program(version) & docs(version)
*imho could be (in some cases) less of a pita

--- End quote ---

Do you mean download the source code and extract the man pages from that? That could be a better step (b) for my script than trying lots of man page websites and picking the closest version. It would be very inefficient, but the script could generate a local -doc extension so that it only has to be done once, and maybe it could have a cut-off for source archive size so it only downloads sources under a few MB.

Still some programs generate man pages from other formats at build time, so it might be too hard to make that method work for them. It's worth trying though, when I finally get around to this.


--- Quote from: CNK on April 03, 2023, 07:41:50 PM ---Still some programs generate man pages from other formats at build time, so it might be too hard to make that method work for them. It's worth trying though, when I finally get around to this.

--- End quote ---

i like in general this idea!

it reminded me of several other projects over time iv found which centered around doc/man page index/searching
this one in particular https://github.com/sunaku/dasht imho worth a mention ( because its all sh script xD )

also generally (wrt documentation) im reminded of a section from: The Daemon, the GNU and the Penguin - Chapter 3. The Users
~ http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20050414215646742


--- Quote from: "Peter Salus - The Daemon, the GNU and the Penguin - Chapter 3. The Users"  --- Once again, the proverbial cat was out of the bag.

Over the years, over nearly two decades, John Lions' Code and Commentary became the most copied work in computing. They carry the appropriate copyright notices and the restriction to licensees, but there was no way that Western Electric could stem their circulation. They were just too valuable.

--- End quote ---


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