I have an X230 ThinkPad with Coreboot, running TCL14-beta x86_64 with Xorg-7.7 and fluxbox.
No screensaver or power manager extension is loaded. Nevertheless, I've noticed that after exactly 10 minutes of inactivity, a fullscreen, opaque, white and vaguely checkerboard overlay appears over my desktop. I'll attach a screenshot (it's not much to see). Touching any key makes it disappear. It doesn't matter if laptop is plugged in or running on battery power.
I already run these commands at every boot, to prevent this kind of shenanigans from Xorg:
xset s off
xset -dpms
xset s noblank
There must be another, more sneaky screensaver/powersaver hiding somewhere. Can someone please help me identify it and disable it?