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useBusybox function causes syntax error in GUI terminal

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Hi Rich. I can confirm that if I change the useBusybox function in /etc/init.d/tc-functions from this:

--- Code: ---useBusybox(){
  . /etc/init.d/busybox-aliases
--- End code ---

to this:

--- Code: ---useBusybox(){
alias ar="busybox ar"
alias awk="busybox awk"
alias cat="busybox cat"
alias clear="busybox clear"
alias cp="busybox cp"
alias cpio="busybox cpio"
alias dc="busybox dc"
alias df="busybox df"
alias du="busybox du"
alias depmod="busybox depmod"
alias expr="busybox expr"
alias fdisk="busybox fdisk"
alias fold="busybox fold"
alias grep="busybox grep"
alias gunzip="busybox gunzip"
alias hostname="busybox hostname"
alias kill="busybox kill"
alias killall="busybox killall"
alias ls="busybox ls"
alias md5sum="busybox md5sum"
alias mount="busybox mount"
alias sed="busybox sed"
alias sort="busybox sort"
alias swapoff="busybox swapoff"
alias sync="busybox sync"
alias tar="busybox tar"
alias umount="busybox umount"
alias wc="busybox wc"
alias wget="busybox wget"
alias sudo='sudo '
--- End code ---

then typing useBusybox in a terminal emulator inside a GUI session works as intended, without any syntax errors.

Maybe the TC4-style useBusybox function should make a comeback? If so, /etc/init.d/busybox-aliases becomes superfluous and can be removed from base system.

Hi Rich. There are scenarios where a user might want to call useBusybox from a GUI terminal emulator, so I think this should be fixed.

I went ahead and created a pull request on GitHub to go back to the old approach where useBusybox creates actual aliases. I made sure to include  cut  and  ps  among the aliases :)

P.S. aliasing sudo to sudo seems bizarre, so I took it out. Besides, it is not present in TCL13 and TCL14-beta's /etc/init.d/busybox-aliases. It can be put back in if someone wants/needs it for some obscure reason. Maybe there used to be some hard-to-alter places where a space was missing between sudo and the command that followed it?

Hi GNUser

--- Quote from: GNUser on March 28, 2023, 08:38:13 AM --- ... P.S. aliasing sudo to sudo seems bizarre, ...
--- End quote ---
Agreed. It is not present in TCL10's  /etc/init.d/busybox-aliases  either.

Hi GNUser
I had an idea I'd like to get feedback on.

Remove  /e tc/init.d/busybox-aliases.
Change  useBusybox  to:

--- Code: ---useBusybox(){
if [ ! -f /e tc/init.d/busybox-aliases ]
for Command in $(busybox --list)
case $Command in
xyzzy|plugh) # Commands that should never be aliased go here.

echo "alias $Command=\"busybox $Command\"" >> /e tc/init.d/busybox-aliases

for Command in $(busybox.suid --list)
case $Command in
xyzzy|plugh) # Commands that should never be aliased go here.

echo "alias $Command=\"busybox.suid $Command\"" >> /e tc/init.d/busybox-aliases

  . /e tc/init.d/busybox-aliases
--- End code ---
Sorry, the full path for busybox-aliases was causing the  Forum Error
message so I had to change  /etc/  to /e tc/.

The first time  useBusybox  gets called, it creates  /e tc/init.d/busybox-aliases
and then sources it. After that it only sources it when it gets called.

This way if commands get added or removed,  /e tc/init.d/busybox-aliases  will
always match busyboxes configuration.

By the way, these 2 won't work:

--- Code: ---alias mount="busybox mount"
alias mount="busybox mount"
--- End code ---
In TC4 everything was provide by busybox. After that, some commands
were provided by  busybox.suid , including those 2.

An alias does cause some overhead, so creating one for every command wouldn't be desirable.  The aliases are specifically for those commands called from core scripts that might break when GNU/other tools are installed, due to differing args or missing deps.


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