Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

avoid remaster? modify core base via extensions ?


reading through the forum on some vaguely related tangents
that requite modification of tc base core gz files.

--- Quote from: danielibarnes on August 25, 2009, 04:11:02 PM --- avoid remaster! modify system via extensions (processed before the autologin)

--- End quote ---
the technique described in this post  https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,2754.msg14168.html#msg14168 ( Multi-user system? )

--- Quote from: danielibarnes on August 25, 2009, 04:11:02 PM ---I tried this very thing. I discovered you cannot effect a change in /etc/inittab until after tc-config exits because it is run by init. Therefore there is no opportunity to prevent auto-login via this method unless you remaster. However, since extensions are processed before the autologin you have the opportunity to modify /root/.profile.

I created an extension that saves the current /root/.profile and replaces it with one which will:
1) Copy /etc/inittab-save over /etc/inittab (you may wish to copy a custom one or otherwise modify the original /etc/inittab)
2) Reload init (kill -SIGHUP 1)
3) Restore the original /root/.profile
4) Logout (via exit)

The autologin processes this new /root/.profile. It reloads the desired /etc/inittab and logs out. Thus, autologin never occurs more than once, and the user is never presented with a shell. The TC developers could modify the stock /root/.profile to detect a boot parameter and execute logic that effects the same changes.

With some other extensions to enable NIS, LDAP, or create local users, this can enable a conventional multi-user system. My extension contains two files:

mv /root/.profile /root/.profile.orig
mv /root/.profile.noautologin /root/.profile

if [ -e /root/.profile.orig ]; then
cp /etc/inittab-save /etc/inittab
kill -SIGHUP 1
mv /root/.profile.orig /root/.profile

--- End quote ---

it appears a boot code was added to handle multi-user case ,

--- Quote from: roberts on September 04, 2009, 08:25:44 PM ---Tiny Core V2.3 is now posted at http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/tinycorelinux/2.x/release/
* New noautologin boot code. Be sure to have passwords setup, working, and saved.

--- End quote ---

i wander *(if its still works/ is relevant? .. i guess alot has changed since 2.2  :o)
..could this method be utilized beyond the scope  of  multi-user cfg? 
eg : for other functions requiring the modification of /etc/inittab ...

..if so perhaps the pretce boot code (to load (driver?).tcz's "early" could have potential ?

wrt :  vaguely related tangents
could the modifications mentioned in  "Console on a Serial Port" https://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,11218.msg58783.html#msg58783
achievable via tcz ???


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