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[Solved]: how to sort provides.db?
Hello, my smart friends and Rich the wizard.
I need help solving a shell scripting problem I've been mulling over:
If I append a custom package name (and list of its contents) to the bottom of provides.db, how to then sort provides.db so that what I appended is moved to the correct place in the file? (Using awk-speak, how to sort provides.db by the first field--namely, by extension name--where each record is an extension name + its contents?)
I can think of various kludges (e.g., concatenating each extension name and its contents onto a single line, then sorting the lines by first column) but not an efficient and elegant (i.e., one-liner) solution.
Hi GNUser
I think awk is probably the right tool for this.
This may contain some clues:
They talk about lines (or rows) and columns. That's the same as records and fields
just laid out differently and with different delimiters.
I think you want to sort on field 1 ($1) and print records ($0). I think some versions
of awk have asorti which does a lot of the work for you:
Hi Rich. As usual, you're the man with the answers. The asorti function (available in GNU awk) was the key.
--- Code: ---$ tce-load -wi gawk
$ cat sort.awk
#!/usr/local/bin/gawk -f
# usage: ./sort.awk -v var=FIELD FILE
{ # dump each field into an array
ARRAY[$var] = $R;
# get length
j = length(SARRAY);
for (i = 1; i <= j; i++) {
printf("%s\n\n", ARRAY[SARRAY[i]])
$ time ./sort.awk -v var=1 ./provides.db >provides.db-sorted
real 0m 0.17s
user 0m 0.12s
sys 0m 0.06s
--- End code ---
Given how quickly GNU awk is able to sort provides.db, I'd say this problem is more than solved. The problem is crushed.
Ahh rats, you got there before me, and the Awk solution is much faster that the 1-2s that mine takes on my system.
Also I forgot about the appended entries and assumed the task was adding a separate extension.tcz.list to the standard provides.db.
But I'll at least claim bonus points for using only Busybox tools.
--- Code: ---#!/bin/ash
# Usage: [extension]
# Creates new_provides.db
headings="`grep -n '^[^/]*\.tcz$' $provides`"
line="`echo -e \"$headings\n:$extension\" | sort -t : -k 2 -f | grep -A 1 :$extension | tail -n 1 | cut -d : -f 1`"
sed -e ${line}i\\"$extension\\n`sed 's/$/\\\/g' $extension.list`"$'\n' $provides > new_provides.db
--- End code ---
Oh, the forum's actually going to let me post a script with all those slashes in it though, so that's a win!
Hi GNUser
--- Quote from: GNUser on March 22, 2023, 08:18:15 PM --- ... Given how quickly GNU awk is able to sort provides.db, I'd say this problem is more than solved. The problem is crushed.
--- End quote ---
There's a reason roberts liked to inject awk snippets into his scripts. When it
comes to data manipulation, it can be wicked fast.
I've had a few instances were I found the execution time of a script unacceptable
and was forced to add an awk function. None of my techniques could even touch
the speed of awk.
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