General TC > Programming & Scripting - Unofficial
tips / lessons for patch submited from git
--- Quote from: patrikg on March 08, 2023, 07:06:37 AM ---Here are one more link to learn git.
--- End quote ---
What you'll usually need
1. Use the web browser to fork a project into your account.
2. Clone it to your local storage
--- Code: ---git clone
--- End code ---
Note that you'll need to setup ssh access to github as they have changed their policy years ago.
3. Do your coding...
4. Check your status
--- Code: ---git status
--- End code ---
5. Save your changes
--- Code: ---git add -A
--- End code ---
6. Keep coding...
7. You blow up something and you want to discard the changes
--- Code: ---git restore your_file
--- End code ---
8. More coding...
9. All done, ready to upload
--- Code: ---git add -A
git diff --cached # just to double check
git commit -m "some message about your change"
git push # upload to github
--- End code ---
10. Open your browser, navigate to your latest commit and send a pull request.
11. Wait for someone to review and merge / reject your work.
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