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oasis a small statically-linked linux system



this note from the readme ,..

--- Quote ---oasis uses smaller and simpler implementations of libraries and tools whenever possible:

    musl instead of glibc
    sbase instead of coreutils
    ubase instead of util-linux
    pigz instead of gzip
    mandoc instead of man-db
    bearssl instead of openssl
    oksh instead of bash
    sdhcp instead of dhclient or dhcpcd
    vis instead of vim or emacs
    byacc instead of bison
    perp and sinit instead of sysvinit or systemd
    netsurf instead of chromium or firefox
    samurai instead of ninja
    velox instead of Xorg
    netbsd-curses instead of ncurses

--- End quote ---

is perhaps the most interesting / potential relevant for tcl  aspect  about this distois  the component choices wrt size reduction !

In the past, I have look over it. Is excellent MOSTLY for small apps (like netsurf); or else the static linked file became huge. And under Xorg (which UNFORTUNATELY drags almost all basic dependencies), will waste RAM. IMMV.
Maybe if Wayland is used instead of Xorg,  then maybe. BUT most apps today (maybe not in the future) ask for Xorg libs. So we go back to Xwayland.

FYI: core will be small, with only few/basic utils. Once you start to user "productive"/bloated apps, then musl / tiny libs /static linked lost their advantage. Same as in Tinycore.


--- Quote from: nick65go on March 01, 2023, 12:36:57 PM ---Once you start to user "productive"/bloated apps, then musl / tiny libs /static linked lost their advantage. Same as in Tinycore.

--- End quote ---

 generally this sentiment reminds me of these conclusions  found reading  through
  GCC compiler and linker options -,23623.msg149416.html#msg149416


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