General TC > Tiny Core on Virtual Machines
Setting up Qemu
Do you know if there are the correct modules for loading virtio instead of the e1000e mod in your iso file.
I think the modules are in some separate file, and you have to extract the correct ones or even compile sometimes.
@patrikg: Yes, I check-it, all the "legacy" modules are in modules.gz (or they are build-in), so that the old syntax is working.
Also I check-it, and all necessary "virtio-xxx" are in modules.gz, For each virtio-blk/scsi/pci/net I check-it that all dependencies are present, by using "modinfo -F dependence xxx.ko.gz".
To summarize: I can boot in a shell /bin/sh, logged as tc. Then AFTER I MANUALY mount /dev/vda /mnt/vda, (and make the proper link to /etc/system/tcedir) then I can load manually each *.tcz and voila, Xvesa shows-up. Nothing is missing as files. Just that the virtual disk is not auto-mount, so I initially stay in RAM, with only kernel and core.gz loaded (like I would issue boot-code = base norestore).
PS: I do not have an ISO file. I use from TC14: vmlinuz + (rootfs.gz + modules.gz => core.gz) and manually downloaded Xvesa.tcz + Xprogs.tcz + all their dependencies into a ext2-formated no-partition xxx.qcow2 file,
@Rich, to convince yourself that both your syntax and my syntax for qemu are correct you can combine together.
1. Just make a xxx.img file with dd with 1MB size; mkfs.ext2 format it -- it will have no partition by default; mount it somewhere; cd into mounted loop; and touch a.txt (to have a file inside it for identification; unmount it.
2. use your normal qemu syntax plus mine, like this (to attach also this xxx.img virtual disk):
--- Code: ---qemu-system-i386 -enable-kvm -m 128M -cdrom TinyCore-10.1.iso -boot d -drive file=xxx,img,if=virtio,media=disk
--- End code ---
FYI: my qemu 3.1 needs "-accel kvm", instead of "-enable-kvm"
Inside TC do "mount /dev/vda /mnt/vda"; and "ls /mnt/vda" will see the a.txt file
This will prove the correct qemu syntax was used, plus that all kernel modules are available;
see with lsmod what is loaded -- virtio-xxx, the legacy modules are mostly built-in and will not show for TC14.
The info about the syntax I learned from internet for qemu 7.2 documentation
Hi nick65go
The diskfile.img contains a tce directory with the following installed onboot:
Xvesa.tcz, flwm_topside.tcz, wbar.tcz, aterm.tcz, mc.tcz, and grabber.tcz.
This detects vda , mounts it, loads all extensions, and displays a desktop:
--- Code: ---qemu-system-i386 -enable-kvm -m 1G -kernel vmlinuz -initrd core.gz -append "quiet waitusb=2" -drive file=diskfile.img,if=virtio,media=disk,format=raw
--- End code ---
Remember, Tinycore only automounts drives with tce, persistent home, or persistent opt directories.
Hi Rich, thank you for your testing.
I will re-do my test cases again, because now for me is not working auto-mounting /dev/vda.
I used qemu 5.1.0 in win10, and qemu 3.1 in Tinycore 14, with vmlinuz + core,gz from TC13 and TC14.
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