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Author Topic: 2k38 compliancy  (Read 4069 times)

Offline destroyedlolo

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Re: 2k38 compliancy
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2023, 11:56:19 AM »
Are you printing this checksum's to paper to avoid data rut, with the checksum ??
And if not how do you preserve the checksum not being data rut ??

Checksum are stored on disk. There is a checksum associated to each signature (and the signature is compared against its checksum even when stored in memory while processing).

And this file is also present on each backup server.

So, if the backup file is not readable, incomplete or doesn't match expected format, if at least one of checksum doesn't correspond to a signature even in memory after loading, I consider this server as bad. So I elect another one reference after obviously doing the same mechanism.