Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 14.0 Alpha 1 Testing

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--- Quote from: Rich on February 15, 2023, 08:06:16 AM ---http://tinycorelinux.net/14.x/x86_86/tcz/src/fltk/
Both of tarballs are the same.

--- End quote ---
Hi Rich, Thank you!
PS: should be _64/ not _86 :)

feed-back for TC14 64 bits alpha (and tc13 64):
from aterm I run mntool, it works OK, but I see:
--- Code: ---tc@box:tc@box:~$ mnttool
XOpenIM() failed
--- End code ---
mntools works OK.

now I define a file-manager variable, FILEMGR , and mntool can unmount many disks. OK.
I try to mount any disk, it will do it, BUT it will crash /close instant! Lucky it works correctly and mount that disk/partition.
in aterm I see
--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ export FILEMGR=fluff
tc@box:~$ mnttool
XOpenIM() failed
sh: fluff: not found

--- End code ---
so the bug is that mntool will "uselessly" search for this variable FILEMGR, and allow just one partition/disk to be mounted before it exit.

I forgot to mention that even if I load the fluff.tcz is the same behavior for mntool, with (or not) fluff opened, as long as FILEMGR is not an empty string. Which of course I can empty in the $user./profile.

Hm, I think I got it:
IF a variable FILEMGR is defined in environment, then mnttool  will mount the slected partition AND open that file-manager (fluff, xfe, whatever) with that partition already selected AND it close itself. Nice.

However, if no FILEMGR is defined (is empty string) then mnttool will mount the partition AND stay alive for next command (mount another partition). Very clever, but nowhere explained in the wiki neither in forum, book etc.

PS: "strings which (mnttool)" found another variable, MNTTOOL. I wonder what it will do undocumented.
      From source code it seams that it defines position (x y) to show on desktop, maybe from top-left (found by try and error).
PS2: in aterm, the message "XOpenIM() failed" remains.

Hi nick65go

--- Quote from: nick65go on February 15, 2023, 11:09:42 AM --- ... PS: should be _64/ not _86 :)
--- End quote ---
Thanks, fixed.  :)


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