You have to ask @bmarkus for chosen mikropython to do the thread thingy.
He maybe want to test if it was possible to use that for speeding up the extracting of the extensions.
What you saying is that ash have something we can use to accomplish what we wants to do.
But maybe ash don't have great tools to control the subprocesses like mikropython have.
Some curiosity to this, is this line.
Subprocess calls Subprocess calls Subprocess calls Subprocess calls Subprocess calls ......and so on.....
It's a fork bomb, or maybe accurate name should be pipe bomb.
The functions defines it's name as ":", and the code calls for it self and pipes it's output to it self in background, and end of function. And after it's functions code it's calls the defined function named ":".
Don't paste this code in your terminal, it's waste of your cpu cycles.
WARNING! These examples may crash your computer if executed.
:(){ :|:& };: