Oh, I see now. The "problems" was that I mostly read forum off-line, just digesting info.
So the post/replay number is Not shown if I am not log-in.
The other "issue" is that it is a SHAME that good piece of scripts are ONLY seen in the forum; And IF someone can not login (captcha bugs, you now), the attachment is not seen. If the programmer has a "site" then a link, in the forum, to his/her git hub, maybe is permitted by "forum rules".
EDIT: from employer win10 (even in my spare time) the stupid filters /blocker said:
Sorry, you don't have permission to visit this site.
Website blocked as per Company policy.
Not allowed to access this file type
You tried to visit:http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=25982.0;attach=6373.
EDIT2: even stupid Google will not me attach a script to MY email (as a draft), saying retry / help (dead end).
I 7zip-ed a the script with a password of 25 characters, and if google A.I. can not break it then it forbids the A.7z attach. Oh boy.