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Author Topic: Suggestions  (Read 12185 times)

Offline jazzbiker

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2019, 03:58:38 AM »
It's my experience as well that find output is unsorted. When I proposed this change not so long ago http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,22312.0.html I only had one file in mind so it didn't occur to me that sort would be necessary. But yes, predicable is better. Maybe post your patch to that thread?

Hi, andyj!

Surprisingly, i think this additional "sort" for /usr/local/etc/X.d will cause problems.
If we are talking about ~/.X.d all staff exists in user domain and is fully changeable and though controllable and predictable.
But in the case of /usr/local/etc/X.d scripts come from different extensions and their sorting alphanumerically before execution may cause inappropriate execution order which can NOT be changed.
If this additional execution of /usr/local/etc/X.d/* will be added to .xsession, user can change the scripts execution order changing extensions order in onboot.lst (as they are executed in creation order). And "sort" will kill this possibility.

Offline edo1

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2020, 08:53:16 PM »
create repository of compilation scripts for tcz extensions
How to upload sources there?
Is the format of the compile_XXX file described anywhere?

Offline Rich

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2020, 09:34:18 PM »
Hi edo1
Welcome to the forum.

...  How to upload sources there? ...
You can't. If you submit an extension and include a source package, it will be added for you.

... Is the format of the compile_XXX file described anywhere?
There are no formal rules. Some of those files are just notes listing the basic steps taken. Others are full blown build

Attached are a couple of examples I created. They build and package their respective extensions, then bundle all of
the required files into an archive so it can be submitted via email. Scripting it like this is more work, but it provides
consistency if someone else needs to update the extension. It's also helpful if you encounter compilation errors and
need to restart the build multiple times.

Offline edo1

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2020, 10:11:55 PM »
Thanks for your fast reply

If you submit an extension and include a source package, it will be added for you.
Ok, which format of source package could be used?

There are no formal rules. Some of those files are just notes listing the basic steps taken. Others are full blown build
Indeed I'm very disappointed with TCL extension system. I sent the binary package and it was approved soon after. So any user can install this package using tce-load.
It is so easy to upload a package with a backdoor, and there is almost no way to check / prevent this.

IMO every package should have sources (or building scripts) published. And the binary package should be built in a trusted environment (or reproducible build used). All distributions I know do this way.

Offline Rich

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2020, 10:52:36 PM »
Hi edo1
... Ok, which format of source package could be used? ...
If you downloaded a source tarball, you could submit that.
If you used git to fetch the source in a build script, theoretically, the script could be sufficient.
My scripts tar up the build directory and include that in the email being submitted.

... Indeed I'm very disappointed with TCL extension system. I sent the binary package and it was approved soon after. So any user can install this package using tce-load.
It is so easy to upload a package with a backdoor, and there is almost no way to check / prevent this.

IMO every package should have sources (or building scripts) published. And the binary package should be built in a trusted environment (or reproducible build used). All distributions I know do this way.
Source code can contain mischievous code, so that means individuals well versed in understanding code that have the
time to review it. The same holds true for build scripts. This is a small distro with finite resources. As a result, we also
rely on volunteers to submit extensions.

Offline edo1

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2020, 11:12:33 PM »
My scripts tar up the build directory and include that in the email being submitted.
tcz and sources in one archive? Could you upload an example, please

Source code can contain mischievous code, so that means individuals well versed in understanding code that have the
time to review it. The same holds true for build scripts.
Sure. But binaries without a source are definitely riskier. Moreover, binaries provided by a third party.

Offline Rich

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2020, 11:27:21 PM »
Hi edo1
tcz and sources in one archive? Could you upload an example, please ...
The archive contains executables. Forum policy prohibits attaching binaries to posts. That rule applies to me too.
Check your email. I attached the exfat package as it was submitted.

Offline ferran

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Re: Suggestions
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2020, 04:24:57 PM »
I would like to suggest an update for the tc-install with:

1) getlocale.tcz & tzdata.tcz to select and get the regional settings by default.
2) Optional session login and a display manager (xdm ?)
3) internet connection settings

In short, all those features that another distros have in it's installer programs.

TC CorePlus v.11.1 i686 & lots of coffe