I'm having trouble loading the built-in driver for the OV9281.
On Raspbian, instead of loading the camera with "start_x" etc, the OV9281 driver is loaded with "dtoverlay=ov9281".
However, this does not seem to work on piCore.
The cameras I2C ports are there, I can adress it manually using i2c-tools and read/write the registers.
So the camera is there and working, and I could potentially manually implement the driver.
The v4l2 device /dev/video0 is also there (unicam driver), and after I load my program and it sets the format, that format is retained when I check "v4l2-ctl --all", so I think v4l2 itself is functioning fine as well.
But no info about device capabilities, driver, the controls it exposes, etc., hence I conclude everything works, except for the driver not being loaded/assigned to the camera.
Any idea how to load it manually or debug what piCore does with dtoverlay on startup?
As a side note, I update wifi.sh to have a mode that autoconnects to the best available known network, which is very useful for headless setups.
I also made a script that allows for a completely headless setup without ever using a keyboard or screen.
It sets up the SD card, configures the device, loads and installs extensions, etc. from a linux host machine, and on first boot it immediately sets up SSH on whichever of the known networks is closest.
Took me a while to get there as the wiki is down, so if there's a place I can put it (besides my project repo), please tell me.