Tiny Core Base > Final Releases
Tiny Core v13.1
tested by retrieve icu61-dev manually from 11.x/x86_64 and confirmed it works.
so we'd like to ask to put it in http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/13.x/x86_64/tcz/ so it makes "tce-load -wi boost-1.65-dev" works properly.
You don't mention what you're doing with boost-1.65-dev - did you try modifying the dep file to remove icu61-dev?
To minimize touching points, my proposal is just keep current boost-1.65-dev as-is, and add icu61-dev.tcz* to 13.x/x86_64 (copy from 11.x/x86_64)
..but then that wouldn't serve the purpose of discouraging users from compiling against icu61 - icu61-dev removed from boost-1.65-dev dep file.
> but then that wouldn't serve the purpose of discouraging users from compiling against icu61 - icu61-dev removed from boost-1.65-dev dep file.
I would propose that that cleanup and migration will be in 14.x - as already 13.x already released with boost-1.65-dev has dependency to icu61-dev.
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